Am I Saved? Questioning You Salvation

Often we may find ourselves questioning if God really can, will, or has saved us. It is to this question that I hope to help you in this brief response to one such person I answered.

Salvation isn’t based on us at all. It rests on Him and His work. He fulfilled all of the requirements we could not.

If He forgave Peter who straight out denied Him, then He forgives us.

If He forgave Paul who stood by while Christians were murdered, He forgives us.

If He forgave the thief on the Cross, He forgives us.

If you asked Him to forgive you, then He does. And the proof of your salvation is that desire in you to please Him, to abide in Him, and to share Him with others. Keep abiding and you have nothing to fear. It isn’t about your “performance” it is all about His work. 🙌🏻