YouTube or Twitch – Where Do YOU Fit?

I’m not pushing you to switch platforms I’m just seeking lost sheep.

Hey everyone,

I felt compelled to share some thoughts for those of you pondering whether to switch platforms. Straight off the bat: NO. Just because I’ve started streaming on Twitch doesn’t mean you need to jump ship from YouTube if that’s where you’ve been engaging with us. I’m not abandoning YouTube. Our videos will always have a home there, unlike on Twitch, where content isn’t permanent. And we will continue our live streams there.

Twitch isn’t a one-size-fits-all platform. It’s predominantly gamer territory. Yes, there’s a variety of content, especially in the “Just Chatting” category, but it still leans heavily towards gaming. Twitch, like YouTube, hosts a wide range of content, barring explicit nudity. Both platforms are vast seas of podcasts, news, cooking shows, fitness advice, and more. This diversity is both a risk and a benefit of the digital age.

So, why Twitch for me?

Our YouTube streams haven’t been catching many “drop-in” viewers. Without a substantial following, it’s tough to attract spontaneous visitors since YouTube tends to promote streams mainly to existing subscribers and those with much larger followings.

Experimenting with Twitch was something I wanted to try. I have friends in the digital church community there and had already been engaging with some content before deciding to stream there myself. Twitch’s culture is built around live streaming and fostering community interaction. Conversations are more likely and expected; it’s a place where viewers are encouraged to chat and engage directly with streamers.

More than just experimentation, I sensed a profound loneliness among many Twitch users. What leads someone to watch streams for hours on end? What does their daily life look like? Why do they choose streaming over spending time with family and friends? They’re seeking connection, belonging, and perhaps an escape, in the security of their own home. And it’s these individuals Innovate aims to welcome into our community, offering the acceptance and belonging they’re searching for.

To me, YouTube excels as an entertainment medium, striving for community but not quite achieving the same closeness you find on Twitch. Twitch is all about live content and making connections, whether as a streamer or viewer. These connections can lead to our online commmunity for deeper connection with us.

Interestingly, stats reveal YouTube viewership is primarily mobile, suggesting a more active, less isolated audience. In contrast, Twitch users predominantly watch from home PCs, indicating a more introverted viewer.

This isn’t about shifting our audience from one platform to another. It’s about reaching and serving those we feel called to include in our community. I want you to stay where you are comfortable.

A huge thanks to our followers on Twitch and YouTube alike. Your support means the world to us, and we value each of you equally. We love you!

If you’re seeking that closer community with us, then I want to invite you into our Discord community.

You can catch our live streamed activities on the platform your prefer, YouTube, Twitch, or even Facebook.

You can catch me on Twitch playing games, doing bible study, or whatever else I’m into on my Pastor G channel.

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